Look Smarter Today

Look Smarter Today

If you’ve ever felt out of place and unintelligent at a party or networking event, listen up. We have the tricks you need to appear smarter the next time you’re surrounded by colleagues. The good news is, you don’t have to pick up a single book. A lot of these tips have to do with attitude, an area in which we could all use a little improvement. Take a look and try them out – let us know how you do!

Look smarter by looking People In The Eye

In 2007, researchers at Loyola Marymount University divided 182 subjects into pairs, telling one partner to try to look intelligent and giving the other partner no instructions. After 5 minutes of discussion, the pair rated each other on perceived intelligence. In studying the results and the subjects’ behavior, they found that the students attempting to look smart did so in many ways, but when they used a high frequency of eye contact, their perceived intelligence was much greater.

Eye contact is tricky. It can be uncomfortable, especially when speaking with someone you’ve just met. But, with a little practice you can get out of your comfort zone and be on your way to perceived intelligence…which is almost as good as the real thing, right?

a smarter Smile

A study done by Charles University in Prague in 2014 asked subjects to look at headshots of 80 people and asked them to rate their intelligence. Researchers found that smiling added to perceived intellectual value. This probably has to do with perceived confidence as well. People generally assume that the smarter you are, the more confident you’ll behave, and people smile when they’re confident and comfortable.


This one seems a little counter-intuitive, right? If you want to look smarter, why would you need someone else’s opinion? But a 1999 study showed that most intelligent people downplay their own intellect, while the less knowledgable overestimate their own gifts (something we’ve all observed, I’m sure!). By asking the opinion of another person, you’re showing your willingness to form a well-researched opinion through gathering information.

be smarter, SLOW DOWN

This is another one that has to do with perceived confidence. When someone is smarter, they exude confidence, and they’re also comfortable and calm. By speaking and moving more slowly, you will look less concerned with others and the situation around you, says a 2007 study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Take deep breaths, think before you speak, and wait for others to jump in before immediately speaking your mind.

Wear Glasses – cliche, but you’ll look smarter

I’m not kidding. This isn’t just true for those 1990s teen rom-coms about nerds turned prom queens. A study in 2012 suggested that nearsightedness had a correlation to intelligence. The study also proved others may see you as less attractive, but your colleagues will associate glasses with intellect. A cheap pair of readers may be your best accessory at next week’s meeting.